Travel is a great way to rest, recover, and relax - particularly after a tough year of lockdowns and restrictions now that the world is beginning to open up.
But while it’s nice to be able to think about travel again, for many the anxiety of thinking about Covid-19 tests and what you need to do before booking a test and hitting the road might be something that stands between you and really getting away from it all.
To help hopeful travellers get on top of the obstacles and have a stress-free time, we’ve looked at the top searches across the UK and abroad relating to coronavirus. We have also partnered with psychologists to put together some tips, advice, and information to help you have a stress free trip.
Above all, make sure you schedule a coronavirus test in advance of travel to avoid delays, issues, and stress when it comes to the day you get moving.
From being uncomfortable in new surroundings, feeling anxious about the trip going smoothly and getting the correct Covid-19tests in time, travel can make anyone feel anxious.
We analysed the top elements of travel that the public is most concerned about and compiled a list of top tips to ensure a safe and stress free travel experience.
Meditation is a great way to combat anxiety which accompanies flying and travel. It can help to calm and ease the mind and meditation skills can be worked on and improved with time.
Dr. Rachel M Allan, Chartered Counselling Psychologist at, comments:
“Stress and low mood may inhibit the hippocampus, which is an important brain structure associated with memory formation and recall. Effective stress management could therefore be an important consideration for looking after memory function. Mindfulness practice is known to reduce stress and depression.”
Lee Chambers MBPsS, Environmental Psychologist and Wellbeing Consultant says:
“Using mindfulness or meditation to increase your wellbeing is something that should certainly be considered. It’s effect on the amygdala has been researched, and by practicing we become more able to disengage from ruminating negative thoughts, and connect to the present. It can decease cortisol levels, and decrease inflammation markers, which leaves us feeling more relaxed and able to deal with the rigours of the current turbulent climate.”
When feeling agitated or stressed during travel, any form of physical exercise such as taking a short walk can be great for easing nerves.
Ruth Cooper-Dickson, Positive Psychology Practitioner at, says:
“Any form of exercise and being active is beneficial for the hippocampus - which is the part of the brain that acts like a brake on the stress response.
“Exercise is great for activating GABBA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) - this is an amino acid whose purpose is to calm the brain and act as a fire extinguisher to enable brain cells to suppress their activities. GABBA activation provides quick and effective stress relief.”
If you feel yourself becoming anxious or frustrated, distract yourself with your favourite movie or an episode of a new or comforting show. Make sure you download these ahead of time to avoid any connection issues, which can aggravate your feelings of stress.
Andy Phillips, Head of Training and Content at Escape Fitness says
“Watching films and television shows on your phone can act supplemental forms of therapy to help us feel better. Cinema therapy, the use films to manage mental health issues, can improve thoughts and feelings. There are films that can evoke positive emotions and can nurture interpersonal skills.”
Consider listening to comforting music to fill your head with more pleasant emotions. This can also help to act as a circuit breaker for stressful thoughts
“Music requires following patterns, drawing from memory and engaging with multi-sensory feedback. It draws on many different high-level brain functions at the same time, which strengthens connections between different regions of the brain,” says Dr. Rachel M Allan.
Puzzles are a great way to take your mind off feelings of anxiety or stress
According to Dr. Rachel M Allan, “Engaging with tasks that require a combination of attention, recall and problem solving is a great way to keep cognitive function healthy, and reduce the rate of any decline. Research shows a clear link specifically between regularly completing crossword puzzles and reduced memory decline.”